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9:42 pm - 01.27.05
I can even take him in the bath
coin operated boy
sitting on the shelf he is just a toy
but i turn him on and he comes to life
automatic joy
that is why i want a coin operated boy made of plastic and elastic
he is rugged and long-lasting
who could ever ever ask for more
love without complications galore
many shapes and weights to choose from
i will never leave my bedroom
i will never cry at night again
wrap my arms around him and pretend....
coin operated boy
all the other real ones that i destroy
cannot hold a candle to my new boy and i'll
never let him go and i'll never be alone
not with my coin operated boy......

- Dresden Dolls


8:19 pm - 01.23.05
Don't sweat the small... terribly inconvenient, for the love of god why me.. stuff
I was really thirsty driving home today and so I stopped at a fast food joint to get a drink. There was a line and I happened to look in my rear view mirror at the van behind me. Odd sight:

It was a large older model van with this semi-shaven man in the driver seat. And he seemed really angry about something. I looked a little closer (it was a long line at the drive-thru) and he kept reaching around like he was tugging at his seatbelt or something.

No, wait, he was trying to roll down his window (an essential part of drive-thru ordering). He made a disgruntled face and tried again, and then got really mad. He looked like he was cursing, and there was this look like he had just been betrayed by a girlfriend,or lost a lot of money on some stock or he was betrayed by a girlfriend who lost a lot of his money on some stock.

Dude. It's a window. Then I starting thinking about the many scenarios that could be plausible: Maybe he just bought the van and found that it was a lemon. Maybe he had taken the car to a shop to specifically get the window fixed, and it's still messing up. Maybe he is just a hothead and has no desire to actually go in the store?

Anyway, I stopped thinking about it as I ordered a tea. And it was far too sweet.

- It's just a window, e.

7:51 pm - 01.22.05
pop goes the gd weasel
Have I ever explained how much I detest balloons? I hate them with a passion!!

It all started in college while I worked at the small college convenience store where occasionally people would come in and ask for balloons to be blown up with the helium tank we had in the back.

One night we had a record order and I popped, not one, not two, not five, but five plus balloons in my face in a row.. and some of them were mylar balloons (the thick shiny kind). My ears didn't stop ringing for an hour.

I get vietnam type flasbacks whenever I hear a large pop.

So what did I deal with today at work? BALLOONS! But not blowing them up, but putting them up. 20 balloons per birthday party at work, 2 parties today and 1 tomorrow.


I used about 2 rolls of tape and took far too much time that I did not have today having a corinary over these damn things.

I have nothing against festivities, but honestly, besides making you sound like a chipmunk... what good do they really serve?

- latex should be reserved for gloves and condoms, e.

7:10 pm - 01.21.05
I need to get out more...
So the rents went out to dinner and I decided to go to Subway instead of eating leftovers.

So I was the only one in the store when I entered and setting off the door chimes, a Subway dude comes out to take my order. Once I tell him the kind of sub I want he strikes up conversation with a very short "Cold enough for you?"

Now, I am quite illerate to social cues. Outside of certain situations .. talking to co-workers, customers, friends... I have no idea how to relate or engage in conversation. I'm sure the look on my face was similar to that of a deer about to encounter the full horsepower of a Hummer.

So this conversation continues, between myself and Subway dude, with small stops to double check order and to customize the sub just to my likeing. Half the time I'm not really even paying attention, just thinking how odd the situation is and how off-base I feel.

Then it comes down to payment, and the conversation comes to a close with the Subway dude giving a resounding "My fiance likes this sub too. I don't know why. Especially when she was pregnant."


Now I never for a moment thought this guy was hitting on me, but it just seemed like an odd and quite personal convesion for someone to make.

- wallflowered, e.

7:33 pm - 01.20.05
gridlock and days off
Hampton Roads plus snow = suck. It took me 2 hours to go what should have taken 20 minutes and I almost died about twice. Stupid Ice.

And it seems to snow right after I take any length of time off from work - which if it happened in grade school, would be awesome. But now with being a big girl and all, it sucks even more. I don't need a week of off work, especially not when I don't get any comp time. So in I went on my day off and grabbed a whole bunch of work I could do at home if the weekend snows me in.

And at one point I wanted to live in Seattle? Fee

- warm and bundled, e.

9:48 pm - 01.08.05
I think we're going in....
I'm watching Twister on tv. Ya know, its really an enjoyable movie. I mean, it takes the classic deadly forces of nature movie and gives it heart and an edge.

I wouldn't necessarily say its a good movie. But when it comes on, I like to watch it.

So that's what I did for my evening. Watched a silly movie with flying cows and houses! OoOo.. and I've been exercising.. the whole week too!

- e.


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